Facebook Monitors Malicious Content

With the ever increasing number of malicious links and pages popping up all over Facebook, people are becoming more and content and security conscious. At least they should be. These spammers and scammers are becoming much more devious, making them at times difficult to spot.

Facebook itself is doing what it can to monitor and halt the spread of this content. According to Monica Horak, of the , here is what they are doing to help:

Once we detect a phony message, we delete all instances of it across the site. We also block malicious links from being shared and work with third parties to get phishing and malware sites added to browser blacklists or taken down completely. People who've been affected go through a remediation process so they can reset their password and take other steps to secure their accounts. We also to provide you with trial anti-virus software and free virus scanning and removal.

In addition to our automated systems and educational efforts, we have dedicated security and legal teams who are responsible to investigate spam, phishing and malware campaigns, and go after the people behind them.

While the actions Facebook describes above are certainly helpful, they are reactive. Us as users need to be proactive. Be careful of the links and video’s you click, and if it doesn’t seem quite right, report it right away. Your friend may not even be aware that he/she has automatically posted.

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Source: Facebook’s Blog Post –

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