FrontierVille Postcard Collection

There was a new FrontierVille collection introduced Aug 2, 2010 – the Postcard Collection.


FrontierVille Postcard Collection


So far, we know that the following items from the Postcard Collection can be found inside the newly released FrontierVille Mystery Gifts:

Postcard Collection – rewards 1 Saltpeter

  • Postcard Baltimore
  • Postcard Boston
  • Postcard New York City
  • Postcard Philadelphia
  • Postcard Richmond

This is the second collection item to reward Saltpeter; the other one being the Manure Collection. To date, the only known use for Saltpeter was to craft Fireworks.

Can we assume a new crafting blueprint coming soon?


FrontierVille Postcard_BaltimoreFrontierVille Postcard_BostonFrontierVille Postcard_New_York_CityFrontierVille Postcard_PhiladelphiaFrontierVille Postcard_Richmond



FrontierVille Secrets


7 Responses to “FrontierVille Postcard Collection”
  1. Todd says:

    There is also a new quest, “Gather Weaving Materials”.

    It requires
    Harvest 15 Neighbor Cherry Trees
    Harvest 15 Flax
    Collect 100 Cloth (It’ll cost ya 100 Cloths to fulfill this mission)

    It promises a Large Coin Reward and paid me 15,000 coins, which doesn’t seem all that large.

  2. Marsha says:

    So the post card thingy is to tide us over until they actually open up the 4 sides? Find it a joke since we have a way to make saltpeter already or did the developers forget the “poop” already?? I am done with all my goals except the new post card one but don’t see that as important to make me play everyday. Since the mystery gifts started I have received a drill and 2 hammers. So assuming it will be like pulling teeth to get this one finished and annoying as it is to get doormat, pillows and rib eye= the game has flopped .
    Lost all interest after the peanut 4 days to harvest a total of approx. 12 days wasted=figure that was a stall till developers actually “developed” and still no new goals and snake/buffalo and mines etc are not opened up “coming soon” though. As all games on FB are still “Beta” we are supposed to be forgiving?? Funny, some of these games have been on for years and are still “beta”= no excuse…off to play dumb game cars and another insipid game.

    • firecracker says:

      These games are meant to be pastimes .. .. ie, take up your free time not your whole life .. .. if you had anything else of interest to fill your time, you wouldn’t be so distressed at the deficiencies in this game .. .. Get a Life! .. .. Away from your PC! x

  3. Matt says:

    Saltpeter no more! The Postcard collection now yields a “Seed Drill”, whatever that is!

  4. Jen says:

    Marsha said it all. LOL. So right, I nearly flipped when I saw that stupid peanut goal. I really have lost interest since then. I think they are off their nut with some of the goals. What Marsha said about them stalling is what I thought too.
    And the seed drill isn’t any big deal. Wish they’d give some good stuff. I like the bear pretty well. And the Halloween costumes are good. So far the Halloween is the best thing yet.

  5. Karen says:

    Where are the postcards??? I play everyday, On average I receive about 30-40 mystery gifts a day, I haven’t seen any POSTCARDS at all….just a bunch of junk I already have. Also where is the CRAFTING COLLECTION??? I have completed this thanks to friends sending me the stuff! I have only seen the THIMBLE in a mystery gift.

  6. Trina says:

    I have yet to see a postcard myself. I play everyday and have never seen one postcard. As for the crafting collection, I also only have a thimble. Not sure what I need to do in order to get this collections?

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