FarmVille: What Does Fertilizer Do For You And Me?

Fertilizer On FarmVille

Yesterday Zynga announced its’ new FarmVille addition – Fertilizer! This of course had everyone scrambling to find out exactly how it benefited us all.

On top of making your crops and flowers look even more beautiful, using Fertilizer not only benefits the neighbor you are helping, but yourself as well.

Here’s the scoop on:

1. How you benefit
2. How your neighbor benefits
3. Where to find your fertilizer
4. What fertilized crops look like


Why Fertilize Your Friends Crops?

On top of it just being a really nice neighborly thing to do, fertilizing your FarmVille neighborly crops actually earns you an additional 1 XP per plot of land. This is on top of the 5XP you gain for chasing away foxes, raking leaves, and picking weeds.

Each neighbor you visit gives you 5 bags of fertilizer. As long as that neighbor has crops that are still growing, you will be able to help them out with a sprinkle of fertilizer.

You now can earn up to 10XP for each neighbor you visit!

How Your Neighbor Benefits From Fertilized Crops:

When a FarmVille neighbor fertilizes your crops, you will be able to see the specific plots they helped out with are now sparkling! If you hover your mouse over the plot, it will also tell you it has been fertilized. Take a look below:


Sparkling Fertilized FarmVille Crops


Once your crops are ready to harvest, they will not only earn you the regular harvest rate and Mastery XP, but an additional 1XP for harvesting a “super” crop! Remember to thank your neighbor for not only making your crops look better, but for helping you level faster too

Where To Find Your Fertilizer:

When visiting a neighbor who has at least 1 plot of crops not yet ready to harvest, you will find your available bags of fertilizer in the bottom left corner of the screen, as shown below: (if you do not see the bags, make sure the page has completely loaded and check for available crops)


Super Grow Fertilizer


So What Do Fertilized Crops Look Like?


FarmVille crops and flowers that have been fertilized are fuller – containing more fruit, vegetables, grains and flowers on them. They are gorgeous! Take a peek below at the Ghost Chili we harvested this morning


Fertilized & Non-Fertilized Ghost Chili on FarmVille


So help yourself and your neighbors level quicker by stopping by their FarmVille farms and sprinkle around a little leveling love…

Until Next Time.. Happy Harvesting!!

1 Comment


One Response to “FarmVille: What Does Fertilizer Do For You And Me?”
  1. caglar keskin says:

    I live in a village and work in agriculturing. We use fertilizers and i try to read everything about them.
    This information is very useful for me because i also play farmville and can you believe i can learn things about agriculture fro mthat game. I also found another useful guide about fertilizers;

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